Mr. Ture Sjolander
Christmas Island
Dear Mr. Sjolander,
Thank you for your attendance at the Committe's public hearing held on 9 October 1997 regarding its inquiry into the Australia - Indonesia Maritime Delimination Treaty.
Your assistance is appreciated.
Enclosed, for your information and correction as appropriate, is a copy of the proof transcript of evidence taken on that day.
Should you wish to make any editing corrections, please mark the relevant pages and return them to me. Where more than one witness from your organisation proposes corrections, could you please combine your corrections and forward a single copy of any corrected pages. If I have not received a reply by Friday 31 October 1997, I will assume that you do not wish to make any correction, to the transcript.
Amendments to the transcript must be confined to the correction of inaccurate attributions and errors of transcription. Changes which alter the sense of answers to questions or which seek to improve literary style cannot be accepted.
As the final corrected transcript forms part of the evidence on which the Committee's report is based, the need for care in examining the transcript is emphasised.
If during your evidence you were asked or offered to provide additional documents or information, it would be helpful if these could be forwarded with the transcript corrections.
If you have any queires on this matter, please d not hesitate to contact me by telephoning (02) 6277 2314.
Yours sincerely
Craig Evans
Inquiry Secretary
17 October 1997
The New Invaders from space have only one single interrest in mind, to collect the water on the planet Earth. All the rest, the soil or the land with
it's fermenting biological contents, they simply wan't to grinding down, as water's are trillion times more aftersought out in the galaxy, than gold.