Mr. Aldo Borgu
Senior Adviser for the Minister for Defence.
Thank you for your very kind and professional respond to my letter to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, attached, dated 15, September 1999. I did not demanded, nor did I expected an answer to my letter, although we all where very concerned about the extreme situation at this very point in time.
The Government have handle the problem with extraordinary good leadership and I am very pleased that we now can look forward to normalising relationships between Australia and Indonesia.
Please inform yourself and the Hon John Moore MP, about a 3 point-proposal I presented for the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties held on 9 October 1997, on Christmas Island: Indonesia Maritime Delimination Treaty. The document is available at the Parliament House in Canberra. TR 184, 185.
Mr. Craig Evans was the Inquiry Secretary at the time of 17 October 1997. The above proposal is very much related to our National Security in the future.
If you would like to inform yourself more about myself I will refer to a letter signed by The Hon Alexander Downer MP, dated 6 Aug. 1997 addressed to Mr. Peter Lindsay MP, which I suppose you can get from the Foreign Affairs Archive at the Parliament House.
Thanks again for bringing this to my attention.
Ture Sjolander
----- Original Message -----
From: Moore, John (MP)
To: ''
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 12:27 PM
Subject: East Timor

Dear Mr Sjolander
Thank you for your email to the Minister for Defence, the Hon John Moore MP,
regarding East Timor.  As the Minister is overseas, I am responding on his

This review will report in due course, and is likely to recommend a shift in
emphasis to links such as staff college courses, maritime surveillance and
disaster relief exercises.

Thank you for your interest in this matter and for taking the time to share
your concerns with the Minister.

Yours sincerely

Aldo Borgu
Senior Adviser